The MDE/BDE Specialists for the Plastics Processing Industry
For Visibly More Efficiency.
MDEOne - The Visible Efficiency Boost
The MDE/PDA specialist for the plastics processing industry
With MDEOne | BDEOne optimize your machine utilization.
Through transparent production, you can significantly reduce reaction and downtimes as well as the planning effort and thus significantly improve productivity and quality.
MDEOne|BDEOne is an integrated monitoring and warning system for the entire production process, independent of machine manufacturers. It can be used for real-time monitoring of machine data and collection of real-time operational data. Both as an integrated solution to AlfaPlus and as a stand-alone instrument. Direct data transfer to external ERP/PPS systems is also possible.
In addition, functions are available for the early detection of tool and machine defects as well as changed reject rates. In this way, production and savings potentials can be identified more quickly and realized in practice.
Visible Success Through:
Flexibility and Cost Efficiency
- Flexibility and Cost Efficiency
- Modular Design of Software + Hardware
- Compatibility with All Common Production Machines, Databases, and Operating Systems
- High Process and Data Security (Separation of Data Storage and Application)
- Easy Integration of Branches with the Main Plant
Transparency and User-Friendliness
- Simple Graphical Display of Machine States, Process Parameters, and Production Figures
- Production Scheduling with Real Production Data
- All Relevant Data Available Anywhere, Anytime
- Increased Mobility via Internet, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi Technology
- Convenient Control of Outsourced Production
Industry Knowledge and Innovation Power
- Over 35 Years of Experience
- Development from a User Perspective, Tailored Specifically to the Needs and Requirements of the Manufacturing Industry
- Highest Future Viability and Investment Security Through State-of-the-Art Programming Techniques
- Continuous Development
Interested? Feel free to contact us at any time by phone at +49 (0) 711-95 75 20 or through our contact form.